LLC Tax exempt company. Incorporation in St. Vincent and Grenadines (SVG). Offshore company registration

Incorporation of international business companies, limited liability companies, and international trust registrations in St. Vincent and the Grenadines are facilitated by Registered Agents and Trustees. These professionals are licensed and regulated by the SVG Authority, operating under the guidelines outlined in the Registered Agent Trustee (Licensing) Act, Chapter 105 of the Revised Laws of St. Vincent and the Grenadines 2009.

St. Vincent and Grenadines

Registering International Business companies in St. Vincent and Grenadines (SVG). Offshore IBC in SVG.


Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is an island country in the Caribbean Sea. It is situated between Saint Lucia and Grenada. The country consists of the island of Saint Vincent and the northern Grenadine Islands.

Setting up an International Business Company (IBC) or a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines can offer several benefits. Here are some key points to consider:

Favorable Taxes. A St. Vincent and Grenadines LLC is tax exempt. It is well suited for conducting business tax free if there is no income derived in SVG and there is no business with residents of St. Vincent & the Grenadines. There is no corporate tax, income tax, withholding tax, capital gains tax, or other similar taxes on the income or assets of an IBC or LLC for 25 years.

Confidentiality. The jurisdiction of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines maintains client information confidentiality. The identity of beneficial owners, shareholders, directors, and officers of an IBC is not required to be filed in any public registry.
The Confidentiality Act adopted in 1996 allows true privacy for businesses and their owners. A Limited Liability company (LLC) Managers and Members do not file their private information for public view. Also banking confidentiality is enforced by law.

Ease of Setup. The procedure is straightforward and simple. All we need to have the company incorporated are standard KYC documents. It typically takes a couple of weeks to set up an IBC in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Accounting and capital. Accounting and auditing is not required. Company capital can be declared within wide range. Capital is not required to be paid in.

Legal system. SVG is a stable democracy. The legal system is based on the English Common Law. English is the official language.

Banking. There is no currency exchange control. International banks have their branches in SVG. Foreign currency accounts and credit cards are available.

As you see these features make a Saint Vincent & Grenadines LLC one of the best offshore business vehicles available.
Here are some possible ways to employ an offshore company registered in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines:
•        International trading and tax-efficient transactions.
•        Brokerage and forex activities, taking advantage of favorable regulations.
•        Real estate investment for asset protection and potential tax advantages.
•        Offshore banking for holding funds in an offshore bank account.
Please feel free to get in touch to learn the terms, the fees and the procedure.

The files below may be helpful in obtaining additional information for offshore LLC incorporation and utilizing an offshore company: