LLC Tax exempt company. Incorporation in St. Vincent and Grenadines (SVG). Offshore company registration

Disputed between France and the United Kingdom in the 18th century, Saint Vincent was ceded to the latter in 1783. Autonomy was granted in 1969 and independence in 1979. Location: Caribbean, islands between the Caribbean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean, north of Trinidad and Tobago.

St. Vincent and Grenadines

Incorporating offshore. Registering Limited Liabilities companies in SVG for conducting business worldwide

A St. Vincent and Grenadines LLC is tax exempt. It is well suited for conducting business tax free if there is no income derived in SVG there is no business with residents of St. Vincent & the Grenadines.

Confidentiality Act allows incorporating an offshore company in the most confidential manner

The Confidentiality Act adopted in 1996 allows true privacy for businesses and their owners. A Limited Liability company (LLC) Managers and Members do not file their private information for public view. Banking confidentiality is enforced by law.

Accounting, capital

  • Accounting and auditing is not required.
  • Company capital can be declared within wide range. Capital is not required to be paid in.


Legal system of St. Vincent & Grenadines

SVG is a stable democracy. The legal system is based on the English Common Law. English is the official language.


Bank account

There is no currency exchange control. International banks have their branches in SVG. Foreign currency accounts and credit cards are available.

As you see these features make a Saint Vincent & Grenadines International Business Company one of the best offshore business vehicles available.

St. Vincent & Grenadines offshore company services

Here are some possible ways to employ an offshore company incorporated in St. Vincent and Grenadines:

  • An offshore St.Vincent IBC buys merchandise and sells it directly to a buyer. The transaction is done outside of high tax domicile of the company owner and thereof free of tax.
  • Professional may form an offshore company in SVG using its services to contract their partners. An offshore St.Vincent company receives the fees offshore then avoiding taxation.
  • A St.Vincent offshore company may own shares of other companies, patents, thus receiving dividends and royalties tax free.
  • These are just some hints which you should not limit yourself to. An offshore company incorporated in St. Vincent & Grenadines is a flexible asset protecting tool with serious business capabilities.

Fees & time schedule

  • St.Vincent and Grenadines LLC incorporation, including registration fee US$ 600
  • Annual license fee US$ 100
  • Registered agent fee and registered office US$ 580
  • TOTAL for the first year US$ 1 280
  • Shipment by courier (DHL, FedEx)  US$ 100
  • Second and subsequent years fees  US$ 880 (paid by the end of the calendar year)

Time schedule

It takes 3-5 business days only to incorporate an offshore Limited Liability Company in St. Vincent and Grenadines.
We will need three alternatives of proposed names and the details of directors/shareholders.

Please get in touch if you would wish to proceed with the incorporation in St.Vincent and Grenadines. We will send the application forms. 

The files below may be helpful in obtaining additional information for offshore LLC  incorporation and utilizing offshore company services: