International business company (IBC) in a tax friendly country. Open a bank account, register business.

Planning to start a new business abroad? We offer comprehensive services to make the process of offshore incorporation, company registration and immigration easier for you. Our team of reliable corporate services agents and immigration lawyers will guide you through the process of registering your company, setting up a bank account, and obtaining a work visa and residence permit in the country of your choice. We understand the importance of setting up a company and a bank account for obtaining permits. We also offer assistance in setting up your business in offshore countries with less demanding tax legislation. Contact us today to learn more and take advantage of our expertise.

We provide

Get the most adequate solution for your business needs: register a business in Europe or incorporate offshore, use a virtual office, open a bank account


Immigration, work visa, residence permit in Montenegro Business immigration to Montenegro. Residence visa and permit to live in Montenegro, Panama Immigration to Panama. Obtaining residency with Friendly Nations Visa, Costa Rica Retiring in Costa Rica. Immigration to Costa Rica, Mexico


Set up a limited company in ScotlandScottish Limited Partnership used as an offshore corporation LP in Scotland with Swiss bank account, MontenegroBusiness immigration to Montenegro. Residence visa and permit to live in Montenegro, Isle of ManOffshore company formation in the Isle of Man., PanamaPanama IBC and offshore company in Panama offer the best of offshore services, BahamasOffshore asset protection utilizing Bahamas IBC and Bahamas offshore company, LiberiaLiberian companies formation and support, BVIIncorporate offshore IBC in BVI - a universal trading tool. BVI offshore company formation. We will provide ongoing support inclusive of banking and accountingA private bank account in the country having no financial information exchange. Account opening within three days. Online control and account management


Business set up and companies formation in Hong Kong Hong Kong company incorporation, Hong Kong company formation, Hong Kong company registration, Mauritius Offshore companies in Mauritius., Gibraltar Non-resident Gibraltar company used as international business company., Singapore Singapore Limited company advantages, Belize Why incorporating offshore company in Belize. Benefits of Belize offshore company formation. Belize IBC - international business company, Vanuatu Offshore companies in Vanuatu formed for 24 hours, Marshall Island An offshore company in Marshall Islands, SVG Utilizing offshore company services to full extent means incorporating offshore company in St. Vincent and Grenadines (SVG). Offshore St.Vincent. Banking and annual support


Register business,set up a company in EU: Cyprus Offshore company registration in Cyprus, provision of office and accounting support, Netherlands Company registration in Netherlands, Malta Register a company in Malta, Ireland Registering a limited company in Ireland with virtual office, banking and accounting A private bank account in the country having no financial information exchange. Account opening within three days. Online control and account management

Our advantages

  • Trustworthy corporate services agents, business immigration lawyers and immigration solicitors for corporate customers and private persons
  • Tax efficient jurisdictions and countries to form an offshore company, register or relocate a business
  • Complete solutions for corporate clients and private entrepreneurs looking for advantageous business environment or user-friendly legislation
  • Remote offshore incorporation. Quickly and in full compliance with local legislation. No travel required.
  • Solutions for persons looking to immigrate or obtain a work visa, residence permit in a new place
  • Solutions for international traders conducting business worldwide using international business company incorporated offshore
Trustworthy corporate services agents, business immigration lawyers and immigration solicitors for corporate customers and private personsTax efficient jurisdictions and countries to form an offshore company, register or relocate a businessComplete solutions for corporate clients and private entrepreneurs looking for advantageous business environment or user-friendly legislationRemote offshore incorporation. Quickly and in full compliance with local legislation. No travel required.Solutions for persons looking to immigrate or obtain a work visa, residence permit in a new placeSolutions for international traders conducting business worldwide using international business company incorporated offshore

Only reliable corporate services agents and immigration lawyers

Private and business immigration

Panama Retiree – Pensionado

Immigration to Panama - ways to obtain residency. Retiree – Pensionado program

Various options to obtain permanent residence in Panama. Most affordable is Retiree or Pensionado program - ideal for retirement in Panama. Most popular is Friendly Nations Visa Program - grants permanent residence permit within 2-4 months.

Costa Rica

Retiring in Costa Rica. Immigration to Costa Rica

Costa Rica's political stability, high standard of living, and well-developed social benefits system set it apart from its Central American neighbors. Through the government's sustained social spending - almost 20% of GDP annually - Costa Rica has made tremendous progress toward achieving its goal of providing universal access to education, healthcare, clean water, sanitation, and electricity. Costa Rica's poverty rate is lower than in most Latin American countries, but it has stalled at around 20% for almost two decades. Costa Rica is a popular regional immigration destination because of its job opportunities and social programs. Almost 9% of the population is foreign-born, with Nicaraguans comprising nearly three-quarters of the foreign population.


Immigration to Montenegro, business and personal. Residence visa and permit to live in Montenegro.

In 1878, Montenegro became an independent country. During World War I, they fought on the side of the Allies, but afterward, they became part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Later on, when Yugoslavia dissolved, Montenegro joined with Serbia to form a new country called the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. In 2003, they became the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, but in 2006, Montenegro held a referendum and became an independent country again.


Immigration to Panama. Obtaining residency with Friendly Nations Visa

Panama's growing economy needs well educated, skilled and entrepreneurial labor force. To achieve this goal in the shortest time possible the Government of Panama announced Friendly Nations Visa program in 2012. In order to qualify you should be a citizen of any of the 50 countries (listed as Friendly Nations), register a company in Panama and deposit US$ 5000 to your personal account. These simple steps will gain you permanent residency in Panama almost immediately. You will not be required to work in your company. Please find the details below.


Banking and private non-resident bank account

Banking for resident and non-resident companies, private non-resident bank account


Business incorporation and companies registration


Offshore companies registration in Anguilla. Shelf…

"Anguilla is a well regulated jurisdiction and we look only to attract reputable business. What we have to offer those who venture to our magical island, be it on business or vacation, speaks volumes in itself...... All international jurisdictions from the very biggest to the relatively new face many challenges in meeting the needs of the industry. Anguilla is no different. We are constantly looking for ways to improve our already modern legislation and the diversity and quality of our services." Lanston Connor. Registrar of Commercial Activities

Costa Rica

Offshore incorporation in Costa Rica - key to tax free…

Costa Rica is one of the safest and business friendly countries for foreign investment in Latin America. The World Bank has announced the country as possessing "one of the most stable and robust" democracies in Latin America and praised the Costa Rica's "healthy economic growth rate" and "some of the best social indicators" on the continent. While Costa Rica is not an offshore jurisdiction, a company incorporated in Costa Rica can be used as an offshore trading vehicle.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong company incorporation, Hong Kong company…

Occupied by the UK in 1841, Hong Kong was formally ceded by China the following year. Pursuant to an agreement signed by China and the UK on 19 December 1984, Hong Kong became the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China on 1 July 1997. In this agreement, China has promised that, under its "one country,two systems" formula, China's socialist economic system will not be imposed on Hong Kong and that Hong Kong will enjoy a high degree of autonomy in all matters except foreign and defense affairs for the next 50 years.


Offshore companies in Mauritius.

Although known to Arab and Malay sailors as early as the 10th century, Mauritius was first explored by the Portuguese in the 16th century and subsequently settled by the Dutch - who named it in honor of Prince Maurits van NASSAU - in the 17th century. The British captured the island in 1810, during the Napoleonic Wars. Independence from the UK was attained in 1968. A stable democracy with regular free elections and a positive human rights record, the country has attracted considerable foreign investment and has earned one of Africa's highest per capita incomes. Location: Southern Africa, island in the Indian Ocean, east of Madagascar.


Formation offshore company in Samoa - incorporating…

New Zealand occupied the German protectorate of Western Samoa at the outbreak of World War I in 1914 until 1962, when the islands became the first Polynesian nation to re-establish independence in the 20th century. The country dropped the "Western" from its name in 1997. Location: Oceania, group of islands in the South Pacific Ocean, about one-half of the way from Hawaii to New Zealand

St. Vincent and Grenadines

LLC Tax exempt company. Incorporation in St. Vincent…

Incorporation of international business companies, limited liability companies, and international trust registrations in St. Vincent and the Grenadines are facilitated by Registered Agents and Trustees. These professionals are licensed and regulated by the SVG Authority, operating under the guidelines outlined in the Registered Agent Trustee (Licensing) Act, Chapter 105 of the Revised Laws of St. Vincent and the Grenadines 2009.


Offshore asset protection utilizing Bahamas IBC and…

Arawak Indians inhabited the islands when Christopher Columbus first set foot in the New World on San Salvador in 1492. British settlement of the islands began in 1647; the islands became a colony in 1783. Since attaining independence from the UK in 1973, The Bahamas have prospered through tourism and international banking and investment management.


Offshore company registration in Cyprus, provision…

A former British colony, Cyprus received independence in 1960. Although only the internationally recognized Greek Cypriot-controlled Republic of Cyprus joined the EU on 1 May 2004, every Cypriot carrying a Cyprus passport will have the status of a European citizen. Location: Middle East, island in the Mediterranean Sea, south of Turkey.

A company in Ireland with a bank account

Register a low tax company in Ireland and open a bank…

What are the advantages of doing business in Ireland?
- low taxation - 12.5% (or lower if you have a good accountant) paid on taxable
  profit after the deduction of expenses;
- ease of conducting business (high Doing Business ranking awarded to Ireland);
- low authorized capital required to set up a company;
- tax incentives for various businesses;
- no withholding tax on the payment of dividends by the holding company
  to EU or tax treaty countries;
- no Capital Gains Tax on the disposal of shareholdings in subsidiaries.


Company registration in Netherlands. Dutch Limited…

The Netherlands is a highly respected jurisdiction for international business registration. The country has a stable economy, a strong link to the European Union, a highly skilled workforce, and a robust legal framework that ensures the protection of investors and their assets. As the World Data says "The Netherlands is therefore one of the world's largest economies and is currently at rank 17." We will look at why setting up a BV - a "Besloten Vennootschap" or a "privately held company" - in the Netherlands can be an attractive option for entrepreneurs and investors.

Scottish LP

International business company registered in Scotland.…

Just a few facts about Scotland reflecting its worldwide image: "Scotland is home to over 2,000 foreign firms with a combined turnover of £100bn, including Amazon, Blackrock, HERO BPO, Intelenet, Mitsubishi, SKNL, Tata Steel and United Spirits. Scotland has twice been voted ‘European Region of the Future’ in the last four years (Financial Times' Foreign Direct Investment magazine) and it's not difficult to see why so many companies chose to do business here. With a resilient and diverse economy coupled with a business and political environment which supports growth and entrepreneurship, there is no more promising location than Scotland in which to setup business or invest."

The Isle of Man

Offshore company formation in the Isle of Man.

Part of the Norwegian Kingdom of the Hebrides until the 13th century when it was ceded to Scotland, the isle came under the British crown in 1765. Current concerns include reviving the almost extinct Manx Gaelic language. Isle of Man is a British crown dependency but is not part of the UK. However, the UK Government remains constitutionally responsible for its defense and international representation. Location: Western Europe, island in the Irish Sea, between Great Britain and Ireland.


Reasons to incorporate an offshore company in Belize.…

Territorial disputes between the UK and Guatemala delayed the independence of Belize (formerly British Honduras) until 1981.Tourism has become the mainstay of the economy. Location: Central America, bordering the Caribbean Sea, between Guatemala and Mexico.


Liberian companies formation and support

Republic of Liberia is one of the oldest offshore jurisdictions providing corporate services since 1948. Liberia is white-listed with the OECD. All income derived from sources outside of Liberia is exempt from taxation in Liberia, if the majority of the shareholders of a non-resident corporation is held by foreigners. Liberian offshore entities may be in the form of the international business corporations, partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability companies (LLC) based on the Delaware model, Registered Business Corporations based on the UK model and Private Foundations based on the modern Austrian model. Now the World Bank listed Liberia as one of the ten most improved business reformers in its Doing Business 2010 report.


Nevis Corporation, Nevis IBC, Nevis LLC - all ways…

First settled by the British in 1623, the islands became an associated state with full internal autonomy in 1967. The island of Anguilla rebelled and was allowed to secede in 1971. Saint Kitts and Nevis achieved independence in 1983. Location: Caribbean, islands in the Caribbean Sea, about one-third of the way from Puerto Rico to Trinidad and Tobago.


Setting offshore IBC in Seychelles - incorporating…

A lengthy struggle between France and Great Britain for the islands ended in 1814, when they were ceded to the latter. Independence came in 1976. Location: Eastern Africa, group of islands in the Indian Ocean, northeast of Madagascar


Offshore companies in Vanuatu formed for 24 hours

Vanuatu was an Anglo-French Condominium from 1906 until independence in 1980 when it became a self-governing republic and a member of the Commonwealth. Location: Oceania, group of islands in the South Pacific Ocean, about three-quarters of the way from Hawaii to Australia.

British Virgin Islands

Incorporate offshore IBC in BVI - a universal trading…

"At its most obvious, the urgency of now is to ensure both individually and collectively that the BVI remains a compliant, transparent, cooperative, competitive, vibrant an clean financial services centre." From the speech delivered by Robert A. Mathavious, Managing Director/CEO of BVI Financial Services Commission.


Efficient Company Incorporation for Non-Residents:…

In today's global economy, choosing the right location for your business can be crucial to its success. Gibraltar, a British Overseas Territory in the Mediterranean, offers numerous advantages for those looking to establish a company or expand their business footprint. With its favorable tax regime, easy company incorporation process, and strategic location at the crossroads of Europe and Africa, Gibraltar has become a hub for offshore companies and non-resident businesses. We will explore some of the benefits of setting up a Gibraltar company, and how it can help you reach new markets both in Europe and worldwide.


Register a company in Malta

Malta investment advantages. Although small in size the Maltese economy is expanding and has good potential, especially in financial markets. Malta is rapidly becoming an important financial centre in the EU and its economy has been acknowledged among the fastest growing in euro zone. As the Maltese Government encourages companies wishing to invest in Malta with a number of beneficial incentives, investors and non residents use Maltese company in their international tax planning structures.


Panama IBC and offshore company in Panama. Benefits…

"The Republic of Panama is one of the oldest and best-known tax havens in the Caribbean, as well as one of the most established in the region." - states Wikipedia. Some of the most attractive features of Panama as an offshore tax haven include the absence of taxes on foreign-sourced income, no restrictions on repatriation of profits, a stable political and economic environment, and strict bank secrecy laws. Additionally, Panama offers a variety of corporate structures, such as LLCs and foundations, and has a well-established network of international banks and financial services providers.

Marshall Islands

An offshore company in Marshall Islands

As Wikipedia says "The Marshall Islands, officially the Republic of the Marshall Islands is an island country located near the equator in the Pacific Ocean, slightly west of the International Date Line." It is a far off destination and, indeed, the Marshall Islands may be not the most convenient to live and make business from the point of view of a foreign investor but it is very well suited for registering a non-resident business and enjoying tax exempt status and privacy in your activities.

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